10th pay panel recommends 29-32% hike for Telangana, ap staff

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HYDERABAD: The Tenth Pay Revision Commission headed by PK Agarwal has recommended a 29 to 32 per cent hike in salaries of state government employees. If accepted by AP and Telangana governments, more than 10 lakh government employees will be benefited from the hike. Governor ESL Narasimhan on Friday handed over copies of tenth Pay Revision Commission report to chief secretaries of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. He also directed them to place the reports before the respective chief ministers so that an early decision may be taken on the issue.

The PK Agarwal commission is learnt to have recommended two year maximum maternity leave for women employees. Citing central government rules on the issue, the commission pointed that it is high time the state government too implemented the rule. The PRC also recommended a hike in minimum salary from Rs 6,700 to Rs 13,000 for contract and outsourcing employees.

PK Agarwal submitted the 2,000-page PRC report to Governor Narasimhan on June 1 as his tenure came to end on May 30. Since there was no elected government in both states, the Governor on Friday forwarded the recommendations to the two state governments for necessary action.

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