FAST scholarship schemen in telangana 2014-15
FAST scholarship schemen in telangana 2014-15
The telangana government has decided to launch a new scholarship schemescheme called Financial Assistance for Students of Telangana (FAST) from the
aacademic year 2014-15. This will replace the existing fee reimbursement
scheme for various courses and will be applicable for all the students of Telangana.
The detailed guidelines will be released in due course of time. The decision has been
taken by the Government of Telangana in a high meeting chaired by the Chief Minister
K. Chandrasekhar Rao.
The scholarship scheme is aimed at providing financial assistance to poor and needy
students of Telangana state. The major criteria for these scholarship whose parents/
grand parents were settled in Telangana region before 1956 will be eligible to avail
FAST scholaships.
The Government is likely to launch separate website for the information and execution
of the FAST scholarship scheme in Telangana. Keep tracking this space for more
details and updates.
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