Important points said by Telangana CM on scholarships

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Important points said by Telangana CM on scholarships

The chief minister of telangana Mr. KCR has been announced his final decision
on scholarships to students of his rolling state. With all other important elements
he also said and discusss about fee reimbursement and admissions issues with the
media. In that press meet he discussed lot's of elements with journalists but at the last
stage or ending of meeting he said his final words about scholarships to the students of
telangana and andhra students who wish to sudy in telangana.

        The following are the list of some most important points said by KCR on scholarships.
So ready them carefully read.

  • Honorable chief minister KCR announced his final decision on fee reimbursement
    in the press meet arranged exactly one month back.
  • KCR decided to reimburse tuition fee only for students of telangana state or
    region that those whose families living in telangana area since before year 1956.
    And he doesn't wish to pay fee for all other students who wish to study in his currently
    rolling state.
  • KCR introduced new scheme called FAST instead of fee reimbursement scheme.
  • Here the Fast full form is Finanacial Assistance for Students of Telangana.
  • He said, he is removing fee reimbursement scheme completely. And it'll no longer
    be in their state.
  • He said, that the fee reimbursement scheme is a big scam. So that's why we're
  • The FAST scheme complete details will be available shortly.

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