The Indian Nursing Council said that, they will ban the accreditation if any colleges “go on with the Bond process or withholding the certificate from the nursing students or nurses”

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The Indian Nursing Council said that, they will ban the accreditation if any colleges “go on with the Bond process or withholding the certificate from the nursing students or nurses”

Happy news for nursing students and working nursing staff, you know what is the new news??” The Indian Nursing Council said that they will ban the accreditation if any colleges go on with the Bond process or withholding the certificate from the students or nurses”. The order dispatched to all hospitals and nursing colleges. This order is now applicable to the hospitals have nursing schools and colleges. Now nurses or there parents they can make compliant to Indian nursing council, if this compliant is proved the hospital will lose their accreditation.
The Bond system is one of the hardest thing in the nursing profession, because after giving a huge amount of fees to the colleges a student nurse getting the nursing certificate. Now i know almost all hospitals have this harassing procedure, with this the hospitals can earn millions of amounts of money, the noble nursing profession no in the hand of business magnets.
More than 10,000 of nurses facing this nursing “bond” problem, personally i know some my friends got difficulty with this bonds, Any ways this is the good news for all nurses in India, especially for keralate nurses those who studying and working in other states, and those looking new opportunity outside the countries they can peacefully leave hospital without the fear of bond.
Now Indian nursing council got the membership of Global “Nursing Council “. So they can discuss the academic and job related problems of nurses in international level. So the job security will be high for the nurses working in abroad.


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