43% Fitment in 10th PRC of Telangana Employees

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43% Fitment in  10th PRC of Telangana Employees

Telanagana Govenment declared  the 43% of fitment in 1oth PRC, For All Telanga state Govenment employees. The 43% fitment will be applicable from telangana formation day i e 01-06-2014. It is a better benifit for the telangana state govt employees. In 2010 PRC of  AP government announced only 29%

Several employees unions have represented the commission and asked for about 69% fitment. But the commission has recommended a fitment of 29% on Basic Pay. The Commission further recommends that the fitment in the revised scale may be made in the following manner:

(1) D.A. admissible as on 01/07/2013 i.e., 63.344% may be added to the Basic pay.
(2) 29% of the basic pay may be added to the total of Basic pay + D.A. arrived at (1) above;
(3) The pay of the employees should be fixed in the relevant revised scale at the stage next above the amount arrived at as at (2) above;

(4) If an employee’s pay when fixed as above falls short of the minimum in the revised pay scale, it shall be fixed at the minimum of the scale;
(5) If the amount so fixed exceeds the maximum, the excess shall be treated as personal pay and it should be absorbed in future pay increases or in the stagnation increments sanctioned.

Pay Scales

The commissions has recommended the following pay scales (Master Scale). These pay scales are calculated @29% fitment which has been recommended by the commission. Telangana State Govt will soon issue 10th PRC 43% Fitment G.

Telangana Employees Pay Scales
Sl.No. Pay 2010 Revised Pay Sl.No. Pay 2010 Revised Pay
1 6700 13825 41 20680 42672
2 6900 14238 42 21250 43848
3 7100 14650 43 21820 45024
4 7300 15063 44 22430 46283
5 7520 15517 45 23040 47542
6 7740 15971 46 23650 48800
7 7960 16425 47 24300 50142
8 8200 16920 48 24950 51483
9 8440 17415 49 25600 52824
10 8680 17911 50 26300 54268
11 8940 18447 51 27000 55713
12 9200 18984 52 27700 57157
13 9460 19520 53 28450 58705
14 9740 20098 54 29200 60252
15 10020 20676 55 29950 61800
16 10300 21253 56 30750 63451
17 10600 21872 57 31550 65102
18 10900 22491 58 32350 66752
19 11200 23111 59 33200 68506
20 11530 23791 60 34050 70260
21 11860 24472 61 34900 72014
22 12190 25153 62 35800 73871
23 12550 25896 63 36700 75728
24 12910 26639 64 37600 77585
25 13270 27382 65 38570 79587
26 13660 28187 66 39540 81588
27 14050 28991 67 40510 83590
28 14440 29796 68 41550 85736
29 14860 30663 69 42590 87882
30 15280 31529 70 43630 90028
31 15700 32396 71 44740 92318
32 16150 33325 72 45850 94609
33 16600 34253 73 46960 96899
34 17050 35182 74 48160 99375
35 17540 36193 75 49360 101851
36 18030 37204 76 50560 104328
37 18520 38215 77 51760 106804
38 19050 39309 78 53060 109486
39 19580 40402 79 54360 112169
40 20110 41496 80 55660 114851


10th PRC

The Pay Revision Commission commenced its work on 13.3.2013. The  Commission  in  all  received  849written  representations  and it organized   761 meetings with the Service Associations, Unions and even individuals  who  had  given  representations  in  writing. 10th PRC 43% Fitment has been announced by the Telangana Chief Minister today.
Check the following links about 10th PRC. 43% Fitment G.O and other 10th PRC G.O’s will shortly released and available at the official website.

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